General Feng Shui Tips




The placement of water features in a bedroom is a common guideline in Feng Shui. Here's a more detailed explanation of this principle and some dos and don'ts:

Don't Have a Water Feature in the Bedroom:

Water features in the bedroom are generally discouraged in Feng Shui for several reasons:

  1. Disturbance of Peace: Water is a dynamic element associated with movement and emotion. Having a water feature like a fountain, aquarium, or even a large mirror with a water-like effect in the bedroom can create too much activity or restlessness in a space meant for rest and relaxation. It may disrupt your sleep and overall sense of tranquility.

  2. Financial Instability: In Feng Shui, water represents wealth and abundance. Having water features in the bedroom can symbolize financial instability or the draining of resources, which is not conducive to a restful atmosphere.

  3. Health Concerns: Stagnant or dirty water in a bedroom can potentially lead to health issues, as it may create a breeding ground for mold, bacteria, or insects.

Dos and Don'ts for Bedroom Feng Shui:

  1. Do Use Soothing Colors: Choose calming and balanced colors for your bedroom, such as soft blues, gentle greens, or earthy tones. These colors promote relaxation and tranquility.

  2. Do Place the Bed Carefully: Position your bed so that it has a clear view of the bedroom door without being directly in line with it. This position is known as the "command position" and is considered to provide a sense of security and control.

  3. Do Declutter: Keep your bedroom tidy and clutter-free. Clutter can block the flow of positive energy, or "Qi," and create a sense of chaos.

  4. Do Use Yin Energy: Promote Yin energy in the bedroom, which is soft, passive, and nurturing. Use soft bedding, dim lighting, and plush textiles to create a Yin atmosphere conducive to rest.

  5. Don't Use Sharp Objects: Avoid placing sharp or pointed objects, such as exposed corners of furniture or mirrors facing the bed, as they can create negative energy, known as "Sha Qi."

  6. Don't Keep Electronics: Ideally, avoid having electronics like televisions, computers, or exercise equipment in the bedroom. They can disrupt your sleep and introduce Yang energy.

  7. Don't Store Clutter Under the Bed: Keep the space under your bed clear or use it for organized, clutter-free storage. Storing items haphazardly under the bed can disrupt energy flow.


     May be an image of turtle and amphibian


The idea of placing a three-legged toad, often known as a "Money Frog" or "Chan Chu," in your living room near the front door for money luck is a common Feng Shui practice. Here's a more detailed explanation of this principle and some dos and don'ts related to it:

The Three-Legged Toad (Money Frog):

The three-legged toad is a popular Feng Shui symbol associated with wealth, prosperity, and good fortune. It is often depicted with a coin in its mouth, which symbolizes the attraction of wealth and abundance. The significance of the three legs is that it represents the cycle of giving, receiving, and keeping wealth. Placing a Money Frog near the front door is believed to invite prosperity into your home.

Dos and Don'ts for Placing a Money Frog:

  1. Do Place It in the Correct Location: Ideally, position the Money Frog inside your living room near the front entrance, facing inward. It should not face the door directly but rather diagonally or at a slight angle toward the interior of the room.

  2. Do Ensure It Faces Inside: The Money Frog should face into your home, symbolizing wealth coming into your life. This is believed to encourage wealth to flow into your living space.

  3. Do Keep It Clean: Regularly clean and dust the Money Frog to maintain its positive energy. A dirty or neglected figurine may not be as effective in attracting wealth.

  4. Do Use It with Intention: Feng Shui is as much about intention as it is about placement. When you place the Money Frog, visualize your financial goals and the wealth you want to attract into your life.

  5. Don't Place It in Inauspicious Locations: Avoid placing the Money Frog in the bathroom, kitchen, or bedroom, as these areas are not considered appropriate for attracting wealth. Bathrooms, in particular, are associated with draining energy.

  6. Don't Place It on the Floor: The Money Frog should not be placed directly on the floor. Instead, it should be on a raised surface or a table, symbolizing an elevated status and importance.

  7. Don't Use It as a Sole Solution: While the Money Frog is a popular Feng Shui symbol, it's essential to remember that it's not a guaranteed way to attract wealth. It should complement other wealth-enhancing Feng Shui practices, such as good financial planning and prudent investments.


 Photo tropical leaves background monstera deliciosa golden leaf

Trimming your plants and trees regularly is a common gardening practice that can have both aesthetic and practical benefits. In the context of Feng Shui, proper plant maintenance plays a role in creating a harmonious and balanced outdoor environment. Here are some dos and don'ts when it comes to trimming your plants and trees in the context of Feng Shui:

Dos for Trimming Plants and Trees in Feng Shui:

  1. Do Promote Healthy Growth: Regular pruning and trimming can help promote the overall health and vitality of your plants and trees. Remove dead or diseased branches to encourage new growth and maintain a thriving garden.

  2. Do Maintain Balance: In Feng Shui, balance is crucial. Trim your plants and trees to maintain a balanced and harmonious appearance in your garden or outdoor space. Avoid overgrown or unruly vegetation that can create a sense of chaos.

  3. Do Create Clear Pathways: Ensure that your garden pathways and walkways are clear of overhanging branches or overgrown plants. This allows for the smooth flow of energy, or "Qi," through your outdoor space.

  4. Do Consider the Location: Be mindful of the specific location of your plants and trees. In Feng Shui, different areas of your garden may have different energy characteristics, and the way you trim and shape your plants can influence these energies. For example, consider the Bagua map to align your garden design with the different areas of your life.

  5. Do Prune with Intent: When you trim your plants and trees, do so with intention. Visualize the outcome you desire, whether it's creating a more peaceful garden, enhancing the beauty of your outdoor space, or improving the flow of energy.

Don'ts for Trimming Plants and Trees in Feng Shui:

  1. Don't Overprune: While it's essential to maintain your plants and trees, avoid excessive or aggressive pruning. Overpruning can harm the plants and disrupt the natural balance of your garden.

  2. Don't Cut on Inauspicious Days: Some Feng Shui practitioners believe that certain days of the lunar calendar are more auspicious for pruning and gardening activities. While this may not be a strict rule, it's worth considering if you're particularly focused on Feng Shui principles.

  3. Don't Neglect Dead or Dying Plants: Dead or dying plants can represent stagnant or negative energy. Remove them promptly to prevent this energy from affecting your outdoor space negatively.

  4. Don't Create Sharp or Unpleasant Shapes: Avoid creating sharp or aggressive shapes when trimming your plants and trees. The goal is to maintain natural and pleasing shapes that contribute to the overall harmony of your garden.

  5. Don't Block Natural Light: Be cautious not to trim your trees or plants in a way that blocks natural light from entering your home. Adequate sunlight is essential for positive energy flow.




Dos for Hanging a Cut Crystal Ball in Feng Shui:

  1. Do Choose a High-Quality Crystal: When selecting a crystal ball, opt for one made of high-quality crystal or glass. The clarity and purity of the crystal can enhance its ability to disperse positive energy and light.

  2. Do Hang It in a Sunlit Window: The ideal placement for a crystal ball is in a window that receives ample sunlight. When the sunlight hits the crystal, it can create beautiful and uplifting rainbows that disperse positive energy throughout the room.

  3. Do Clean and Charge the Crystal: Regularly clean the crystal ball to remove dust and negative energy that may accumulate. To enhance its positive energy, you can also charge it by placing it under the sunlight or moonlight for a period.

  4. Do Set Intentions: Before hanging the crystal ball, set positive intentions for what you wish to manifest or attract into your life. Visualize your goals and aspirations as you place the crystal.

  5. Do Use Proper Hanging Material: Ensure you use strong and secure hanging material, such as a sturdy string or transparent fishing line, to hang the crystal. Safety is important to prevent accidents.

Don'ts for Hanging a Cut Crystal Ball in Feng Shui:

  1. Don't Hang It in a Gloomy or Dark Area: Crystal balls are most effective when placed in areas with natural light. Avoid hanging them in dark or poorly lit spaces where their ability to disperse light and positive energy may be limited.

  2. Don't Hang It Too Low: Avoid hanging the crystal ball at a height where people might bump into it. It should be safely out of the way but still easily visible.

  3. Don't Overcrowd the Window: If you have multiple Feng Shui cures or decorations in your window, be mindful not to overcrowd the space. Each element should have its place and not create visual clutter.

  4. Don't Neglect Cleaning: Over time, dust and grime can accumulate on the crystal, diminishing its ability to refract light and energy. Regular cleaning is essential to maintain its effectiveness.

  5. Don't Rely Solely on the Crystal: While a crystal ball can enhance the energy in your space, it's just one element of Feng Shui. Balance it with other Feng Shui practices to create a harmonious and balanced environment.



A garden in full bloom, especially in the East and Southeast areas of your property, can be a wonderful Feng Shui feature that symbolizes growth, vitality, and positive energy. These directions are associated with the Wood element in Feng Shui, which represents growth, expansion, and new beginnings. Here are some dos and don'ts for creating and maintaining a blooming garden with Feng Shui principles in mind:

Dos for a Garden in Full Bloom in the East and Southeast:

  1. Choose Vibrant, Healthy Plants: Select a variety of vibrant, healthy plants that bloom with beautiful flowers in these garden areas. Flowering plants symbolize growth, prosperity, and the blooming of opportunities in your life.

  2. Use a Mix of Colors: Incorporate a diverse range of flower colors, as different colors have different energy associations in Feng Shui. For example, red flowers can represent passion and fame, while yellow and green symbolize growth and abundance. A balanced mix of colors can create harmony and balance in your garden.

  3. Maintain Proper Garden Care: Regularly care for and maintain your garden. This includes watering, pruning, weeding, and fertilizing as needed to keep the plants healthy and thriving.

  4. Create Meandering Pathways: Consider adding meandering pathways through your garden. These paths can represent the journey of life and can lead the flow of energy through your garden in an inviting and harmonious way.

  5. Incorporate Feng Shui Symbols: Integrate Feng Shui symbols and elements into your garden design. For example, you can include statues or sculptures of animals, such as turtles (symbolizing longevity) or dragons (representing protection and power), to enhance the energy of your garden.

Don'ts for a Garden in Full Bloom in the East and Southeast:

  1. Don't Allow Overgrowth: While a lush and blooming garden is desirable, avoid allowing plants to become overgrown and chaotic. Maintain a sense of order and balance in your garden to prevent it from feeling cluttered or disorganized.

  2. Don't Neglect Garden Maintenance: Regular upkeep is essential. Neglecting your garden can lead to the stagnation of energy and the growth of negative chi. Dead or dying plants should be promptly removed.

  3. Don't Use Thorns or Spiky Plants: Avoid incorporating thorny or spiky plants in the East and Southeast areas, as they can create negative energy. These plants can symbolize obstacles and challenges, which is counterproductive to the positive energy you want to cultivate.

  4. Don't Overdo It: While a beautiful garden is beneficial, don't overpopulate the space with too many plants or decorations. Overcrowding can lead to an overwhelming or chaotic energy.

  5. Don't Neglect the Rest of Your Property: While focusing on the East and Southeast is important for Wood element areas, it's essential to consider the overall balance of your property. Ensure that other areas also receive proper attention and care to create a harmonious environment.




















